Hello, my husband and I both have scabies. We shower every day , apply Sarcop cream everyday. I was
Hello, my husband and I both have scabies.
We shower every day , apply Sarcop cream everyday. I wash clothing and bedding everyday too but if feels like ist coming back . We sleep apart to stop any reinfection. Is there a soap or shower gel we can use to help this . I’ve vacuumed my bed and going to iron it now too
We shower every day , apply Sarcop cream everyday. I wash clothing and bedding everyday too but if feels like ist coming back . We sleep apart to stop any reinfection. Is there a soap or shower gel we can use to help this . I’ve vacuumed my bed and going to iron it now too
Scabies can be a challenging condition to manage, and it sounds like you are taking several appropriate steps. Continuous use of Sarcop cream is ective for scabies. However, it is important to follow the application instructions carefully, usually involving a full-body application and leaving it on for 12 hours before washing it off.
For your daily hygiene, using a mild, non-irritating soap is advisable. There isn't a specific soap or shower gel that will treat scabies, but keeping the skin clean without irritation is important. Also, ensure that all household members and close contacts are treated simultaneously, as scabies can spread easily.
Regarding your environment, thorough cleaning of bedding, clothing, and towels is crucial. Washing them in hot water and drying them at a high temperature can help. Vacuuming is a good step, but ironing won't necessarily affect scabies mites or eggs.
If you feel the infestation is recurring, it might be due to re-exposure or incomplete treatment. It's important to consult with a doctor to review your treatment plan and to consider if a repeat treatment or an alternative medication is necessary.
Scabies can be a challenging condition to manage, and it sounds like you are taking several appropriate steps. Continuous use of Sarcop cream is ective for scabies. However, it is important to follow the application instructions carefully, usually involving a full-body application and leaving it on for 12 hours before washing it off.
For your daily hygiene, using a mild, non-irritating soap is advisable. There isn't a specific soap or shower gel that will treat scabies, but keeping the skin clean without irritation is important. Also, ensure that all household members and close contacts are treated simultaneously, as scabies can spread easily.
Regarding your environment, thorough cleaning of bedding, clothing, and towels is crucial. Washing them in hot water and drying them at a high temperature can help. Vacuuming is a good step, but ironing won't necessarily affect scabies mites or eggs.
If you feel the infestation is recurring, it might be due to re-exposure or incomplete treatment. It's important to consult with a doctor to review your treatment plan and to consider if a repeat treatment or an alternative medication is necessary.
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